Allah Selamatkan Kamu.. !

Assalamualaikum, Welcome to aNas nO HouSoku :) Any typos don't blame me, blame AutoCorrect :P Syukran! "Warning! May Contain Bahasa Rojak, Spelling and Grammatical errors" [The Author]

Friday, January 27, 2012

Driving Lesson! yeah~

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه

so yesterday was my first official driving class.. since I already have my L license.. 

it was my first time driving a manual car.. *nervous*
sbb takut enjin mati.. HAHA..
so the day started as normal.. waiting for Mr Dass for almost 20 minute.nvm already got used to it..

Jadi, haritu aku belajar nak parking dan tukar gear dua je.. 
xpe sbb ak bkn pro sgt kut.. masih ad cuak2 lagi..
parking dh lepas kut sbb die ajar ikt steps tu jadi mudah ikut..
masuk2 kete kancil putih tu mcm beselah btulkn kerusi, cermin tuh.. pastu die srh bka tingkap.. haha PANAS gila kut.. bwa kete smpi berpeluh2..
tapi mula2 aku ingat kalau nk parking ni ikut kepala kita je, anggar2,, reverse2, ke depan balik, stereng ke kiri, ke kanan jd aku pn HENTAM jelah.. tgk2 kene tegur dgn Dass tu.. haha~  
dh laa ckp x clear aku pn angguk2 jelah.. 
ya..ya.. fhm! dgr sipi2 je..

and then, bila nak belajar tukar gear 2.. kaki ak jd pening sbb kaki x dpt nk cooperate dgn kepala yg agk lmbt utk process ap yg telinga ak dgr dr mr.dass tu.. haha.. nasib bek x mati enjin tgh2 tkn minyak tuh.. cume lmbt sket nk msk gear2.. haha silly me..

that's all i think, my one hour driving lesson.. not much really, and pretty slow too.. now i't competing with my friends who'll get the license first.. 
me? ehsan? pah? era? 
(korang x kut.. ak je yg nk lumbe2 hehe)

anyway it's fun.. haha the next class ill be on wednesday, the first of february..

"we should at least learn something new everyday even it is the slightest bit of knowledge"
[ abdullahanas h ]

the secretary of my own...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

2nd Report

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه

hmmm... chinese new year holiday..
klu thun2 sblm ni.. mmg lookup utk CNY sbb boleh balik umah..
tp thn ni dh mmg ad kt umah so x rase sgtlah.. tp bile sume org balik rmh barulah rase lain sket.. meriah sket..
bdk plkn pun balik, jd group altima0711 aktif balik.. sikit jelah 
the more the MERRIER right?

oklah.. nk ceritanye..
hari sabtu 21.1 pegi umah ayun dgn zamri kt Taman Puteri Wangsa, ulu tiram JB.. ok bkn Pasir Gudang..
bestlah, sbb dh lama x jln2 kuar umah, jaoh2.. just overnight kt ctu je..
mlm tuh pegi mkn kt Selera Senibong Seafood.. mmg best laa.
ketam2 ikan2 sume sdp.. boleh nmpk Singapore tuh..
tuan rumah belanja.. hehe 
T.H.A.N.K. Y.O.U.
otw balik umah esknya tuh.. singgah jap kat Johor Premium Outlet, JPO
saje tgk2 window shopping, alang2 dh smpi JB tuh..
I'd never expected to buy anything there.. sume branded meh..
ad suprise plak.. neway Thank you mama.. then she said..
"make sure dpt Straight A's"
huh? insyaAllah.. and if God Wills Straight A+
doalah same2 byk2.. 

ckup2 kat johor..
igtkn ad kelas driving smalam.. punyelah smgat siap awl2
tggu2 xdtg.. call2 pn x dpt.. pklu 11 bru org tu call kate xde kelas sbb cny..!!??
apelah kau nih.. mule2 ko yg ckp nk bt hari selasa.. boleh plak lupe aritu public holiday..
malas nk byk tnye.. nayal jelah walaupn mmg agk pelik bt kelas aritu.
ok jadi tangguh esok.. 
semalam plak pegi snowalk di i-city..
oklah best utk org yg x penah rase snow sbnar..
more or less same je mcm snow world kt genting..
 tu jelah kut.. okay till the nxt time..

p.s : 1st report yg haritu pegi bukit merah laketown resort... ok x kisah pn.

"cherish the moment you have today because tomorrow it will become a memory"
[abdullahanas h.]

the secretary of my own...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

call from FUTURE!!

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه

nothing much have change lately..
still waiting for my L license to be ready..
huh! can't wait till I can drive on my own...
still 16 hours of driving lessons awaits me.. and the test too..
hope i'll pass 'em with no hard struggles as i can't bear to repeat.. hehe.. =]

the important thing right now is about my high education..
the UPU 'unik id' stuff i still haven't get my new number..
i waited for the call for almost 1 week.. and it really disappoints me.! =(
i called 3 times.. and hope that they know how desperate i am to get the number..
cannot wait until the 11th hour..

guess what! good news! just recently i got a call from upu giving the number..
after all my struggles.. hehe

alright.. since, i already have the number..
there's still some questions lingering in my head..
what? which course or programme should i choose? university?
and if you are reading this.. would you please kindly suggest me the answers for the Qs above..
rite now in my head, medic or dentistry..  
and i don't think mechanical, engineering and linguistic suite me well..
and so... 
i will continue thinking.. istikharah 4 sure.. hoping for guidance from Allah..
 because this is a BIG decision i have to make..

alright then, till the next time! see ya!

ps: saje je tulis dlm english x nk bg karat.. jeles dgn kwn pegi english course.. (klu ko bace jgn nk bangge.. hehe).. mind the mistakes... saya budak dah 13 tahun belajar english.. =]

the secretary of my own...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

selimut.. oh.. SELIMUT!

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه

okay.. it's already a month since i left school..
of course laa, masih ad lg bau2 skolah tuh.. klu thn lpas bru nk brjinak2 dgn subjek form5..
but life must go on.. we don't live in the yesterdays..
tetibe trigt plak..
selimut sekolah ak selama 5 thn dh arwah... xtau pegi mane..
igtkn trtinggl kt skolah tp dh srh junior tgkkn@crikn.. tp xde jgak..
ad sesape amik ke? JANGAN2 ak NAK!
nostalgia.. byk nilai sentimental!!
time last2 spm tuh mmg pki slimut skolah sbb igt nnti xde kut nk gne kt umah..
saje je bwa balik slimut rmah dlu.. rupe2nye mmg dh xkn gune lg.. jumpe pn tidak sbb 
mane KAU selimut skolah.. time nih ko msih dlm locker ak kt dorm L21..

kalau ad bende2 pape rosak atau hilang ak slalu igt lirik lgu
take me to your heart MLTR
'they say nothing last forever'
yeah it's true...  living things or non-living things
kne igt sokmo laa..
"setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan merasai MATI"

='(       ='(       ='(       ='(       ='(       ='(       ='(       ='(

p.s : bace dgn mood sedih..

the secretary of my own...

Monday, January 9, 2012


السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه

ntahlaa. xtau nk bg tajuk ape..  stakat nih masih same menganggur dn xde plan pn nk keje.. juz wait and see.
lesen plak, bru abis test komputer dpt 46/50, ok kut aslkn lulus.. rabu nih bru start amali.. x sbr nk dpt lesen boleh driving.. haha~
#ok ak tau rmai org dh dpt lesen.. ak tau ak lmbt =P

okay! walaupapepun...
rmai kwn2 altima ak yg len dh mule bkerja.. attend courses.. menganggur mcm ak.. dn yg plg BEST 
okey.. at least dorang ad mende nk wat time cuti tp yg x bestnye, urusan lesen dll mcm tertgguh..
well, experience can't be bought, we have to face it.. rite??
ikhlaskn diri je.. igt cite ust time perjumpaan dgn ckg2.. cite cawan yg diisikn air..
1. cawan yg ditelangkupkn =   menolak ap yg diberi jd mmg xkn dpt pape.
2. cawan yg penuh =   kita rase diri kte x perlu berada di situ.. jd x dpt papelah..
3. cawan yg kosong = bersedia utk terima d insyaALLAH akn dpt sesuatu
(rasenye ad lg.. cwan kotor laa dn mcm2.. x igt plak)

((haha even time ak pegi frsis pn same jgak agk mls dn bosan.. but i tried to be there and alhamdulillah i gained something useful))

yang penting IKHLAS kn?kn?kn??

haha.. bgn2 pg td ehsan msg katenye bdk plkn msuk tv.. MHI kem Rawang pnye..
bdak ALTIMA0711 plak tuh.. hish! jeles2.. xpe2 nnti ak pn x msk tv jgak.. klu ad rezeki.. haha!
bka group altima0711 kt fb pn ad post psl dorang..  sronok jgak kn msuk plkn.. aktiviti2 die mmg ak suke tp yg kemasyarakatan dn kawad tuh yg x bleh blah.. xpe2 nnti korang balik nnti kongsi cerita ek? =]
tetibe byk plak cite psl plkn.. yg xde kaitan dgn ak.. huhu nnti korang wira dn wirawati bangge! =P

lg 1.. cite psl anwar pn dh selesai..
no comment

the secretary of my own...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

it's new YEAR 2012

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه

okay.. mmg btul xde pape yg special sgt pun new year nih bg ak..
just a new date and it happens everyday whats different is just a digit at the end..
yelah, xde lookup sgt2 pun thun 2012 nih and i'm sure that i just entered a new life..
no more school life and hostel life ( a strict one).. sedih? mybe tikides..
sbb? mgkn dlm altima0711 xde '12'..

jadi kesimpulan besarnye.. 
byk ajr erti persahabatan sbb my best buddies sume len kelas, but somehow ALLAH helped us to stay together.. nk kate 1 dorm pun tidak kat asrama pn lepak dorm masing2.. prep kelas masing2.. magic x? haha
juz mkn same, stayup, and kat surau.. really appreciated it! lagi... thun SPM nih byk belajar.. respect teachers.. thats veryveryvery important and everyone around you. family pun jgn lupe sbbnye nnti last2 kite akn berbalik kpd family jgak.. byk gile memori2 yg best2 thun 2011 nih... alhamdulillah.. dan byk2 lagi.. =]

for this year just hope that it'll be better than last year.. jd yang paling penting ialah pengHIJRAHan
sbb tu islam pnye new year maal hijrah.. jd berbalik jgaklaa kte kpd Islam Ad-din al-Haq!
cite 2012 tuh ngarut je.. bkn nk menafikan hari kiamat tp kte mane tau bile hari kiamat.. tarikh tu mmg dirahsiakan.. dan mmg dh byk sgt tande2 akan berlakunya kiamat dan sangat hampir.. ap yg perlu bt ialah sediakan diri utk menghadapi hari mati kte.. death is coming nearer to you every breath.. byk amal ibadah, ikhlas, jaga akhlak dgn Allah, manusia dan alam.. inyaALLAH kita ditempatkn dalam syurga,,

the secretary of my own...



Blacy Smiley - Haha Bucktooth