Allah Selamatkan Kamu.. !

Assalamualaikum, Welcome to aNas nO HouSoku :) Any typos don't blame me, blame AutoCorrect :P Syukran! "Warning! May Contain Bahasa Rojak, Spelling and Grammatical errors" [The Author]

Friday, June 12, 2009

Menyusahkan untuk menolong??!!

sejarah laa.. geografi laa...

byk plak songehnyer...
yg sejarah ni nk org wat lwtn ke tmpt bersejarah
(in my case Bgunan Sultan Abdul Samad)

yg goegrafi lak nak wat perbandingan dgn ngare luar

(my case Mathikere, Bangalore India)

inipun thanx to aisyah sbb tlg klu x giler buatnyer...

That's not the only problem..!!!
klu format die sng oklah kn...
tp ni kene itulah
kene wat inilah...
stakat nih yg KGT tuh dh 85% siap
yg ni x gile sgt..

Tp yg Sej tuh..!!!
baru 75% kene wat rumusan 3 nilai murni
nilai murni tu lak ade jenisnya..

formatnye pun ade..
nnti karang kat skolah nk print katne???

Ntahlaa tawakkal
jelah kepade Allah...
insya-Allah Dia akn permudahkan

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Baby Damia Aleesya binti Hazrul Nizam

damia aleesya bte hazrul nizam

inilah die baby damia aleesya...
baby ni niece aku...
comeyl gler ah die nih...

actually it's a bit late
baby ni dh 3 bulan dah...
tp bru nk post..
yelah kan dh lame x layan blog nih...
tetibe jer smangat balik..

uncle anas and baby damia...

Haha Zone

Water Bottles

Trying to do my share to help the environment,

I set up a trash basket at my office

And posted above it this suggestion :

“Empty water bottles here.”

I should have been more specific,

Because when I went to check it later,

I didn’t find any bottles in it.

But it was full of water.


Usually there’s no computer problem I can’t solve.

But I met my match when I turned on my machine

And greeted with the message,

“Keyboard not detected. Hit any key to continue.”



Conversation with an airline reservation clerk;

Cleark : first name, please?

Mother : Veronica

Clerk : Last name?

Mother : Smith. And I’ll be taking my infant son.

Clerk : His first name?

Mother : Ronald

Clerk : And his last?

Mother: The same.

Clerk : Ronald Ronald???

Cuti paling.....


Baru je nk start cuti??!!

Amende sume nih??


Macam ni citer nyer…

1 mggu dok skolah sbb nk kene blajar..

PMR kan thun nih..

So kenelah prepare awal2 lagi..

don’t have to wait until the eleventh o’clock rite??


Tapi nk dijadikan citer…

Mggu yg sepatutnya jd relax

Turns into a nightmare…

Xde lah nightmare sgt tp mereka tg bertanggungjawab

Dh jdkan mggu tu cam sekolah plak..

Kene beratur pagi2 sebelum masuk kelas.

Baju kene masuk dlm…

nasib baik x pyh pki baju skolah jer.


Tp x apelah….

Redha jelah..

Maybe that’s what better for me…



Sekarang ni pun dah balik….

Kenelah terima hakikat

Tahun ni mmg kene work hard giler2 ah..

P2 bru je lepas setakat ni bru dpt 4 subjek so 5 more to go…

So wish me good luck ok..!!

For this PMR and other coming exams…




Blacy Smiley - Haha Bucktooth