Allah Selamatkan Kamu.. !

Assalamualaikum, Welcome to aNas nO HouSoku :) Any typos don't blame me, blame AutoCorrect :P Syukran! "Warning! May Contain Bahasa Rojak, Spelling and Grammatical errors" [The Author]

Sunday, June 12, 2011

ABAH, MAMA, Thank you! and others too

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه

Thanks for making my holidays so WONDERFUL ~
starting with the trip to KOTA TINGGI..
dok kat hotel mmg best!! mkn je stiap mase...
pegi waterfall ala2 wet world.. (mhl byr.. burger lg mhal!) ahaha~
AYUN n ZAMRI congarates once again.! =]

wlaupun xde gi jln2 sgt but i'm okay with it..
mane xnye keje belambak! (bajet bt jek =P)
cuti ni mmg diakui byk dok dpn komputer.. (sorry mama abah)
jap2.. mmm, dh 6 movie tgk cuti nih.. klu nk kira yg download ad lg 1 x tgk..
xpelah simpan utk next cuti..

and.. one more..
thanx.. sbb belanja tgk movie semalam
klu nk tgk full pandai2 laa ni trailer je =]
betul2 first class best gilak!

xtau bile lg boleh balik rumah.. tp plg lmbt awal ramadhan kut bln 8..
laaaamaaaa tuuuh! 15 JULY nih HP7 pt2 plak kuar.. nk tgk2!

trailer je ak bleh bg..

i'll be missing home now..
the environment.. the cheerfulness, mama's cooking!, the relaxation, the homework-free-zone (not really)..
and i love when ONE HAPPY FAMILY AT HOME.. (igt dlu2 men kad happy family) 

p/s : I LOVE YOU

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه

summary... for the past 2 months.. why?
bcoz i'm not home since 11th April..

so APRIL..
many things happened in this month.. great experiences!!


starting dgn Drama Competition interSBP Zon Timur..
to0 bad x dpt nombor... but its a very,very,very FUN AND EXCITING
with the title THE STARS OF RETROSVILLE.. i really enjoyed myself..
then, ade MAC mcm bese jelah nek pentas amik hadiah dpt voucher rm25 pustaka saujana..
yg ak gne utk beli buku2 =P
ak pun pegi jgak book festival kt PWTC arituh... by giler buku.. tp duitnye x brape byk... save2 duit tuh utk beli bku yg plg manfaat.. last2 beli KOMIK LAWAK KAMPUS je.. hahah.. ok pe dpt hrge murah, dpt beg.. (kecoh laa pulak) =]
ade nih jgak jaringan akademik dgn INSTAR.. best2 dpt kwn2 bru... best giler klu sbpit pun ade wat jgak jaringan aademik dgn skolah lain.. boleh gi jln2 kt sbp lain pastu jmpe org2 bru... klu ade NAK PERGI!! B)

.......MID TERM EXAMINATION 29 APR-19 MAY 2011....
lamenyer yg TERAMAT SANGAT... penat study 4 minggu lebeh tuh.. penat2 pun tp resultnye pun fuhh.. --0
soalan SBP kut mcm susah je nk jwb klu final year thn lpas dpt ranking >300.. mi dyear nih? mesti lg truk kut.. i tried my best insyaAllah for the coming SPM and bfore that TRIALS... 

habis je EXAM ade gi mengemping padi.. best2.. yelah mane nk dpt kt shah alam ni kn..?
pijak2 mesin lesung die tuh.. pastu mkn2.. jln2 tpi sawah padi.. ahahah~ best2.. sblum balik rumah hari tuh 1 jun.. 6 hari ade kem percutian BESTari kt skolah... 
Tuntutlah ilmu dari buaian sehingga ke liang lahad

mane xnyer.. kn nk SPM jd kenelah usaha lebih... byk jgak dgr motivasi2 dr cikgu2 yg nk sgt ktorang berjaya.. kadang tu rasenyer mcm cikgu2 yg nk periksa.. ish3.. teruk betul ak nih... B] anyway.. THANKS A LOT TEACHERS... (ececeh.. mcm esok nk periksa je..)... 

Well thats it for now.. (tonnes of homeworks waiting for me... hehehe) 
MY AIM ===> 11A+



Blacy Smiley - Haha Bucktooth