السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه
15 July 2011
the releasing date for the final harry potter movie..
sadly, i'm at school preparing for my trial.. -.-"
30 July 2011
i'm home now.. and i watched the movie!
THE movie?
+ full-action
+ the perfect climax
+ satisfying!
+ 5 STARS!!!
.....tapi tgok2 tuh ade rase sdih jgak sbb dh habis dah harry potter nih..
.. bace novel starting dgn hp3 ( birthday present dr mama for my 9th birthday)
since that moment i started to get into the novel.. the first novel i read.. ENGLISH NOVEL.. wow..
padahal time mule2 bace tu bknnye fhm pun... bace2 tnye mama~
bile tgk movie bru, "oh mcm nih..." ahaha~
and i think these novels really helped me to improve my english..
sbb tu bile bce 2nd time baru fhm btol2.. all the series i read at least twice each.. ahaha~
really love the novels.. the plots are perfect! how the characters grow.. as more mystery you unveiled, more of the past you discover.. mmg best!
for the movie..
it was like a family event.. stiap kali kuar je sume nk tgk...
igt lg time mule2 tgk hp1, beli cetak rompak je.. test power..
x tgk wayang pun, sbb bru start kn x tau lg..
hp2 - hp7 pt2 sume tgk kt cinema!
mmg enjoy gler!
(gile bazir duet btol! at least it worth!)
well, everything must come to a stop but never FULL STOP... ahaha~
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