Allah Selamatkan Kamu.. !

Assalamualaikum, Welcome to aNas nO HouSoku :) Any typos don't blame me, blame AutoCorrect :P Syukran! "Warning! May Contain Bahasa Rojak, Spelling and Grammatical errors" [The Author]

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

my new life as form4 student

skarang nih tgh cuti seminggu sempena chinese new year..
mksdnyer dh 2 bln (lbeh krg) ak jd form4
xdelah mende sgt cume dh raselah sket2 jd senior nih~
subjek?? oklaa jgak

Bahasa Melayu
xde beza sgt cume tgn ni mmg malas nk tulis krgn panjang2!!
have to keep the title (terer BI :] )
bace3~ still da same.. "I hope"
Modern Maths & Additional Maths
belaja fhm tp bile nk app;y dlm soklan. "poof"~ yg bestnyer bleh gne calculator.. (pemalas tol!!)
stakat ni add maths lg sng tp jln kire yg pnjg gile tuh wat cm x ykin dgn jwpn~
nk jd doktor kn?? ha amik ko!! belaja sng.. igt pun ok gak ar.. tp nk olah!! woah!! belum expert lg tggu2..
so far so good~ ckg ajr fhm.. wat pun bley gak.. ALHAMDULILLAH
pun ok jgak.. xde msalah sgt.. TAPI kene kire.. adoi!!~ malas tol!!
Bahasa Arab Tinggi
blaja faham tp ak sdr ak masih lemah dlm kosa kata..
Pendidikan Al-Quran As-Sunnah
best2 bace jer fhm insya-Allah bley jwb..
Pendidikan Syariah Islamiah
Best jgak... fham tp nk mengingat tuh.. kene usaha lbeh ar..

i have to work hard to achieve success in every subject..
i have to seek advice from the teachers, parents n friends
n always believe.. Allah is always be helping those who are jihad in His Way..
Menuntut Ilmu itu fardhu Ain..
igt sume...

1 comment:

  1. thats only da beginning..
    banyak lagi nak kene blaja..
    gud luck!




Blacy Smiley - Haha Bucktooth