السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه
Here it’s me again, 2nd
post on this 13th page of 365 pages in 2013, If Allah Wills…
The cold night air fills the room,
too bad I have no sobah (heater) in my house, wearing a pair of socks to cover
my feet and a sweater just nice to keep my body slightly warm… =)
While here I am sitting on my bed
and Shukri is studying outside at Hazmie’s desk, chemistry I think…
OH! Wait what? Yeah I’m in a middle
of final examination right now… The last paper was on 29th December
and the next one will be on 14th January… Hell yeah, like nobody studies for the whole
two weeks. Enough babbling about that… what is my main concern in this post is
about how Syita’(winter) here feels like…
Raining two to three days non-stop…
well obviously there will be FLASH FLOOD! Why? Because there’s no such thing as
DRAINAGE SYSTEM here in Jordan -.-“ well
maybe there’s one or two but guess what!? RUBBISH TRASH SAMPAH or whatever you
want to call ‘em have fully filled the drain.. hahaha… hmm KOTOR & BASAH,
bukan nak memburukkan ke apa, tapi itulah hakikatnya! Have to believe that the
series of raining really do effective to drop the temperature. At first, we just can’t wait any longer when
will the ‘real’ syita’arrives, ada yang cakap tak jadilah… macam2 HAHAHA…
sampaikan, hujan sikit, tweet syita’ is coming, Asap keluar ikut mulut pagi2
pun dah melompat-lompat.. hehehe
BE CONTINUED---------------------------------
Hahaha, guess what, I stopped and
continued with my studies for the remaining 3 papers.. Chemistry, Arabic
language and Biology.. well should be there were only 2 left but Biology exam
was postponed until 17th January due to bad weather… which was
SNOWING! Bad eh?
Yess!! It was snowing here in IRBID, ALHAMDULILLAH :D well based on seniors they said the last time it was snowing in irbid was 5
years ago!! Well LUCKY Freshies.. hihihi JUST announced 2 days of leave because of the
so-called bad weather and guessed what we, THE FIRST YEARS students did enjoyed
the 2 days leaves with playing snow!! Hahahaha.. Dengan bangganya main dengan
penuh JAKUN dan BATAK!! XD
snowing in IRBID! |
It started to snow on the Wednesday,
at noon well to be precise right when I was about to have my lunch… Control
Macho habis aku time tu, semua orang dah keluar joget2 main snow aku lepak je
makan habiskan.. hahaha habis makan je habis dah snow… PADAN MUKA! Lepas tu
mulalah macam menyesal sebab tak main snow tengah hari tu… Takde gambar lagi
pun… L
hamik kau! Malam tu snow lagi, LEBAT! Main kat depan sakan kitorang pastu naik
bumbung main lagi.. hahaha baling2 snowballs dengan orang bumbung lain..
okay, nak jugak letak gambar sendiri... hehehe XD ohh tu ada shuk jugak :p |
Esoknya tu, kami berapa orang entah,
naik satu coaster bergerak pergi AJLOUN,
kawasan bukit2 jugaklah dan masih snowing lagi… =) golek2 atas snow yang agak
tebal, BERGAMBAR itu penting =) baling2 snowballs buat snowman haa apa lagi? Ais
kepal, Snow angel.. semua buat.. Nampak tak betapa terujanya kami? XD HAHAHAHA tapi main lama sikit je dah tak tahan sejuk,
nak balik rumah dah.. hahaha kelakar2 :D pagi tu tetiba je angin kuat dengan
snow.. apa orang panggil hail, blizzard? (ingat moves pokémon je :P )
Main2 Snow kat AJLOUN! |
Lepas balik rumah tu,
Haaaaaabissslah cerita snow kitorang tapi seniors cakap nanti nak dekat bulan 3
gitu baru betul2 habis sejuk2 nih.. grrrr, so have to expect another series of
rains.. tapi time nak dekat2 snow tu memang suhu bawah takat beku! Kalau atas pun paling2
10’C tapi real feel 5'C-8'C... bila dah habis ni matahari dah menunjukkan sinarnya dan mengeluarkan
haba maka naiklah sikit suhu… fuhhh selesa sikit =)
But deep inside I really do hope
that I can enjoy playing snow with my family… Even though I had went to
snowalk, i-city and snow world, Genting Highlands with my family which were
pretty much the same but experience it first-hand naturally is different! Watching
the snows fall from the sky :’D
.jpg) |
snow world Genting Highlands =) |
Snowalk, i-city... |
ahhh, Such memories.. =') godek-godek album lama... |
InsyaAllah, One fine day~~~~
The Author |