Allah Selamatkan Kamu.. !

Assalamualaikum, Welcome to aNas nO HouSoku :) Any typos don't blame me, blame AutoCorrect :P Syukran! "Warning! May Contain Bahasa Rojak, Spelling and Grammatical errors" [The Author]

Monday, December 24, 2012

All The Way From Shah Alam, with LOVE

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه

الحمد لله, انا مسرور وسعيد جدا !!!
شكرا الى ابي و امي و عائلتي أخر
*Tarikkkk, Hembuss, Tarikkk, Hembusss..”
HAHAHA, aku ni dah kenapa? Excited semacam..!!
Mana taknya, happy gila wehh.. ok2 tenang2 aku cerita ikut kronologi…. Huhuuh

Mula2 parents aku biasalah akan minta semua maklumat aku kat sini, macam alamat nombor telefon dan sebagainya… Nak dijadikan cerita selepas aku dah bagi tempat aku tinggal ni atau lebih glamour dengan nama SAKAN OMARI… tetiba mak ayah aku cakap nak hantar parcel kat aku.. pastu aku pun, ehhh.. JAP! Tu bukan alamat surat menyurat tapi rumah je.. rumah ni takde peti surat.. posmen pun aku tak nampak setakat nih.. ada tak ek? HAHAHA yang aku tak boleh blahh time tengah skype, aku tanya nak hantar apa.. ayah aku cakap hantar MAGGI.. aku macam ehh?! Terkesima sebentar.. lepas tu aku ok jer.. tapi nada time sembang tu macam main2 je.. aku pun tak expect sangat pun..

Next time, kitorang skype, mak aku cakap dah pos dah parcel tu… aku dengan tetiba je jadi excited.. HAHAHA, serius ah? Aku tanyalah hantar apa..? pastu mama nak main rahsia rahsia pulak.. hehehe ;D mak aku cakap tunggulah nanti bila dah dapat tengok dapat apa…

Dah seminggu, baru nak pergi ambil, tapi sebabkan kelas habis petang so tak dapatlah nak ambil minggu lepas.. sabtu aku pergi dah tutup pulak مكتب البارد  dengan perasaan hampa dan sedih aku pun pulang ke rumah.. sobs sobs..  mama pun dah berapa kali tweet aku Tanya dah collect parcel ke belum.. aku serba salah nak cakap tak..

Jadi, hari ni sebabkan syllabus dah habis, lecture pun takde harini, aku pun gagahkan diri untuk ke بلد dan terus ke pejabat pos... dah collect tu tengok kat kertas tu bahagian barang yang dihantar... ‘INSTANT MEE’ I was like.. HAAA?! Mixed feelings i can say happy, shocked, touched J dengan semangat nya aku balik bukak properly dan tengoklah apa yang aku dapat....


Walaupun maggi dan Asam bukanlah makanan yang sangat berkhasiat.. hehehe tapi both my parents really do know what I favour =) dan mungkin  insyaAllah boleh  jadi pemangkin semangat untuk final exam nanti memandangkan sekarang ni macam tengah malas sikit.. hehhehe.. =) LOVE MY FAMILY MISS THEM...


gambar tak update.. takde baby dzafir aidan =)

the author

Saturday, December 15, 2012


السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه

14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
empat belas - fourteen - أربعة عشرة 

This number has many meanings to me.. =) Haha, but don’t get me wrong it’s not like a lucky number or whatsoever..
Well besides my birthdate, 14 December 2011 was the first day of me becoming alumni of SBPIT…  Not to mention that actually I left the school on the night before...

And the other event was dated on the 14th September, my departure from KLIA to JORDAN and start a new life journey as a university student I can say  :/ so it has been 3 months now I set foot here, Alhamdulillah things are doing fine except that the water at my sakan will constantly and completely use up on Thursday L but things are fine, bak kata pepatah alah bisa tegal biasa… hahaha XD.

Well, hmm actually, I can’t believe that I’d left school for a complete year.. I miss my friends though we frequently stay connected via twitter or facebook.. Ehsan, Izzul (paling susah nak contact! Hahaha), Razwan, Nadzir, Idzuan and you too of course J nak kabo nye 5 years of friendship will never be replaced and has  its own unique value as I will have another  5 years set of friends here J and my friends here too are GREAT! =) Friends are friends and they cannot be compared… orang cakap nilah pelbagai ragam dan membuatkan kita unik mungkin! J

Setahun lepas macam ni, tak tahu pun akan sambung belajar kat Jordan.. berangan tu adalah tapi main-main jelah takdelah yang mengharap giler-giler punya.. hahaha sebab aku ni bukannya jenis yang ada target yang jelas sangat time lepas spm haritu, ingat lagi malam last kat sekolah tu, punyalah kelam kabut nak packing barang sebab kena balik malam tu jugak, pastu last isya’ kat surau ghazali lagi.. =’) nostalgik betul, kelakar pun ada bila ingat balik… Sekarang ni junior muda setahun pun dah habis sekolah.. perghh cepat betul masa berlalu. Time sure is something very mysterious!

“Sometimes, you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory”

Past, Present and Future…
3 completely different moments with only 1 millisecond in difference…
The question is how well we take benefits from em… J

Okay, dah cukup cukup layan perasaan… Haahaa kita fikir pasal masa depan pulak dengan manfaatkan masa sekarang! Yeahh =D

the author

Half-way =D

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه

Alhamdulillah, sedar tak sedar dah hampir 3 bulan kat Jordan ni… hmmm, and we just completed our 2nd exam for this first semester of our very first year. so, coming for us will be the final exam starting 29th December for biolab, and all the exams will contribute 40% marks since the first and the second exams are already 60% All praises to Allah, not to brag or something, I have exceed the passing marks for every subjects.. =) HAHA okay ni baru pass okay.. insyaAllah I’ll keep up the momentum even though the weather here keeps slowing me down.. hahaha it’s so nice to sleep when the night is actually longer than the day, sampaikan nak bangun pagi pergi ke lecture pun teramat sangatlah malasnya hahahaha .. (okay, jangan tiru perangai macam ni.. =P )

Entah kenapa lepas habis 2nd exam ni, tetibe je layan balik semua movies harry potter.. hmm mungkin sebab naza penuhkan TL aku dgn tweets harry potter movie marathon dia, budak2 ni pun kat bilik lain belake layan harry potter tetiba..  sampai mama cakap kalau ada subjek HP aku mesti boleh score A++++ gitu, hahaha  pastu pesan jangan sampai terbawak harry potter dalam exam hall nanti.. insyaAllah will keep that in my head… dan sekarang instead of studying I’m googling for “read harry potter online” hahaha crazy me I guess you might say =P on a second thought its kinda nostalgic you know, I grew up with harry potter =D
you just never get bored =)

And sometimes this comes to my mind, that if I can read all the 7 series of HP over and over again..  Because I happened to understand more about the story after each reading and it somehow more enjoyable..  but why not with A-Quran? Cuba kira balik dah berapa kali khatam Al-Quran, adakah dengan setiap kali khatam tu kita makin faham..? bahasa Arab belajar, Quran terjemah pun ada.. at least there should be some improvement I suppose.. hmmm still loads more room to improve insyaAllah..
Okay till the next time =)

the author



Blacy Smiley - Haha Bucktooth