Allah Selamatkan Kamu.. !

Assalamualaikum, Welcome to aNas nO HouSoku :) Any typos don't blame me, blame AutoCorrect :P Syukran! "Warning! May Contain Bahasa Rojak, Spelling and Grammatical errors" [The Author]

Sunday, May 20, 2012


السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه

--Dengan ini Saya mengumumkan CUTI PALING BEST secara rasminya sudah sampai ke penghujungnya--

hurmm.. kalau nak cerita semua mmg panjang lebar berjela2.. maklumlah 5 bulan kn.. Yelah mmg aku xde pengalaman PLKN xde pengalaman kerja.. (x rasa nyesal pun.. =P)

so, aku nak highlightkan pape yang aku igt dalam kepala nih..

ni achievements aku.. haha
-english movies byk dah habis tonton.. =)

- anime beratus2 episodes.. fairytail, naruto, bleach etc

- game dalam facebook.. haha

- lesen  P dah dapat

Tapi yg lebih best bile dapat hangout dgn kwn2.. Especially altima0711
-2 kali kt mid, 2 kali kt pwtc, 1 kali kt temerloh
Yg mcm special sket time mac dgn klibf..
Semua tu mcm dh cerita kecuali yg klibf tu..
 Pegi klibf aku mcm biasa beli lawak kampus@gempakstarz utk dptkn beg dan fail.. Haha ehsan dgn idzuan tnyelah dorang bape ringgit dorang habis beli buku ilmiah pulak tu.. Haha x mcm aku komik je.. :P Ehsan dgn idzuan tido rmh aku plak.. Haha tgk avengers mlm tu..

And mostly.. My holiday, I spent super duper quality time with my family.. 
(Okay mungkin agak selalu ngadap laptop je.. Heheh )
Best ah, kire mcm tebus balik 5thn dok asrama, Breakfast, lunch, dinner, solat jemaah sama2 mmg sgt best..
and event of the year.. (Bukan year kut tp 5months nih) holiday trip to johor bahru and Universal Studio Singapore.. Best gile.. Alhamdulillah dpt gather semua 9family members +mia+a.zamri+khadijah.. Too bad a. Hazrul xdpt join.. Bukan selalu aisyah pun balik dr india..
Ali n sofi cuti.. Adik aku cuti skolah laa.. Aku menganggur.. Yg kalau sblm nk kne adjust masa semua ada tu ssh sket..
Menumpang tido rmh ayun +a.zamri.. Pergghhh.. Terbaeekklah USS.. Dari hollywood ke NYC ke sci-fi ke the mummy (egypt) ke madagascar ke far far away dan last skali the lost world.. Sumpah best giler.. Kalau nk banding yg dgn m'sia.. (Hmm kalah kut m'sia) tapi xtaulah aku xpenah pergi semua yg ad kt m'sia ni pun..

and so everything comes to its end...
so just cherish the moment
because sometimes we will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory


the author

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Start of Something New...

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه

"Hmmm, interview PILN MARA 2012.. Alhamdulillah It went smoothly.. I tried my best in the interview but I don't know why deep inside of me, somehow I don't want the scholarship.. Why? Hmm, maybe because I have to choose between USIM or the JORDAN (well if I get it). Because I know that not everyone will be happy about the decision I have to make in the future..  Both have their own pros and cons.. And what makes it harder is when there's voices saying this and that.. If its an opinion make it sounds nice and supportive please.. :) Hoping for a smile at the end of my long holiday.. But no one knows what might turn up in the end.. :( "

-------------okay. yang atas ni aku tulis sehari selepas interview-------------
---------------yang bawah ni pulak sehari lepas dapat result---------------


Mcm x percaya kan? Hmmm, sebelum tau result ni aku excited + nervous nak tau.. sebab seriously aku mmg x berharap sgt pun.. tambah2 dengan mara yg selalu je lambat.. igtkn mmg x dpt dah.. sbb tu malas nk kecoh.. dari 8.00am-5.00pm aku check x dpt je.. haha
Lepas amik akak aku sofi tu, nak2 dekat pukul 6 shuk call ckp dah boleh cek.. aku mcm..
“Hmmm hmmm ok.. jap gi aku check” dapat pulak dah!

 Happy sbb kire mcm interview berjaya, 
 malas sbb dah bertambah satu lagi pilihan, 
terkejut + sedih sbb aku sorang je yg dapat dalam kalangan kwn2 aku.. =(
xde rezeki aku nak sama2 dgn korang ikram shuk ummul.. dan fanah yg mntk ke mesir.. =(

Berangan2 nanti adalah jugak geng kalau dpt nk fly sama2.. chehh konon je aku nih..
”Ko nak pergi ke?”

70% preparation utk ke usim dah siap.. 23/5
Kalau nak pergi Jordan nih.. daftar kt INTEC UITM 21/5
Mak aih! Cepat gler...! so it seems that a clear and right decision has to be make by this weekend...

So, most of my friends advise me to go! but my parents prefer if i just study local..
easier for me to meet them.. ^^
and my siblings, they encourage me to go.. (rasanyelah.. haha)

insyaAllah.. this is the right choice guided by Allah swt..
after istikharah and musyawarah.. and i have decided to accept the offer by mara and further my study in JORDAN  (Jordan University of Science and Technology) after I pass Middle East Program at INTEC 
(4 or 3 months not very sure.. haha)

So, I just wanna Say ThankYou, terima kasih banyak2 kepada both of my parents.. mama and abah for being considerate, caring, loving and everything.. LOVE  BOTH OF YOU <3
my siblings.. <3
and my friends for supporting me.. =]
(yang ak call ke msg ke chat utk mntk pendapat dan dgr 'keluhan' aku especially.. )
not to forget my teachers.. and everybody~
InsyaAllah Allah akan permudahkan segala urusan.. aminn..
doakan kejayaan kita bersama ok.. =)


the secretary of my own...

Sunday, May 13, 2012


السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه

Haaa... nampaknya harini mmg aku rajin utk ceritakan proses interview mara tuh.. hahaha

hmm, preparation mmg xde buat sgt pun, sbb xtau what to expect.. malam tu pun sempat tgk kuch kuch hota hai lagi.. haha.. baju pun x prepare beriye.. surat tawaran yg kene print baru pagi tu nak print.. haha

pagi 10 Mei 2012 tu bertolak dari rumah  (dgn mama dgn my bro ali) x awal pun pukul 9.05.. interview pukul 10 walaupun die suruh dtg awal setengah jam.. ade aku kisah? hahaha
ok2 tipu mmg aku kisah dalam perjalanan tu mmg aku x berhenti2 tgk jam kereta.. disebabkn perasaan takut tak sempat ni lagi kuat daripada takut interview.. jadi aku mmg xde feeling pun utk interview.. haha.. dalam erti kata lain x sempat nak cuak utk interview.. XD

sesampainya kat kolej polytech mara bangi tuh.. adalah jugak dalam pukul 9.50 datang2 terus register..
embooiihh!? baris no1 je yg tinggal kosong.. padahal aku org last yg register.. redha jelah.. haha
"ohh, pandai main ye"
time tu barulah nk mule cuak2 sikit sampai beriye aku call ikram tnye die mcm mana interview tadi.. haha
dapatlah guidelines tapi samar2 je.. x fhm ape yg die ckp.. haha sori (xpe kredit aku)
lepas habis barulah dapat jumpa shuk, syed, ummul.. fanah x sempat pulak.. haha
ikam dah balik.. papepun good luck korang.. insyaAllah dapatlah scholarship tuh..
dan yg akan2 datang.. naza, aiman, aina.. good luck~

ok.. then us the panel 12 were directed to our interview room..
i was just a small like a classroom with a big table at the center with 8 seats.. while at the front, there was where the 3 interviewers sat.
so the interview session were divided into 3 parts..
..briefing.. group discussion..Q&A..

so after a short 5 minutes briefing.. the group discussion started.. we were given a study case to be discussed
well for panel 12 study case was..
there is two patients who need serious attention, while you is the only doctor on call..
the first patient is an excellent 20years old student and also the successor of his family after the death of his father and the other patient is a successful 60 years old businessman who had contributed a lot to the society.
(alaahhh, yg macam biasa tu.. ayat die lebih kurang ginilah..)

we were told to do a mock meeting OR group discussion OR debate..
well i don't know what happened back then when we actually did group discussion and debate..
so what? haha we have to make use of all the time given.. hehe

we talked, gave opinions, and debate!
and so it ended and we made a conclusion to save the young patient.. haha
based on some good points.. (yeay! i won.. haha)

well then, the Q&A session, each of us will be asked only one question. and to answer it..
so you have to be responsive and have a quick thinking to answer the question.. it wasn't hard.
and the question might be about the group discussion mostly! but is some other cases.. the panels only ask a few question and for those want to answer it should raise their hand..  and there is possibility that the panels will only ask to certain someone only.. so just act cool ^^

Other study cases are,
hot air balloon.. who should be casted out..
business management.. (not very sure..haha)

so let just hope that next year interview format will be different.. haha just like previous year when they had to do a group interactive task.. haha

the secretary of my own...


السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه

Hekk humm..
x de moodlah nak update blog nih.. =( walaupun byk benda yang nak diberitahu... xpelah nanti aku kumpul...
"give me a second, I need to get my story straight"

alhamdulillah saya dapat 1st choice

for the time being, insyaAllah i'll be going to USIM under this TAMHIDI programme.. nothing much to say about this.. my  dilemma between medic and dentistry, it seems like this is the answer.. ALHAMDULILLAH.. 

"hehe, mane tak nye dah 1st choice kau semua letak dentistry mmglah dapat tu.. cube letak medic mesti dapat jugak"

"huhu, yelah mmg pun.. papepun dah dapat nih aku redha + bersyukur jelah.. 
well I had my own reasons for doing so"

cuma aku agak malas nk siapkan segala preparation yg diperlukan sblm masuk usim ni.. 
take note: M.A.L.A.S...

HA!! ini lagi satu interview MARA kod LN0302 tu utk DENTISTRY JORDAN.. dah interview.. resultnye je belum lagi.. nak pergi ke tak nak.. jangan tanya sbb belum tau lagi.. hmm kalau sesape yg rasa nk bg pendapat ke komenlah ek.. TQ.. nak tau ke macam mana proses temuduganya?? nantilah dalam post yg lain.. itupun kalau rajin...

the secretary of my own...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A perfect closure..

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه

Alhamdulillah, dapat lagi aku datang Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang SBPIT tahun ni.. Dah 6 tahun x pernah miss.. hehe (form 1 buat persembahan je..) Tapi serius tahun ni paling SPECIAL dan lain daripada yang lain..
antara sebabnya...
1. tahun ni last time aku akan dijemput ke MAC.. =(
2. malam sebelum tu ada program bicara tokoh kali ke-3
3. anugerah utk spm.. ikut piawaian sbp.. wadda??!!

err.. apesal mcm blur je?? haha.. lantaklah.. kenal je kan..

pendengar --> MC -->  pembicara (ehh, ade ke istilah ni?? x tau nak panggil ape.. haha)
macam inilah transformasi peranan aku dlm program ni.. nak tergelak pun ada..
ntah ape aku mengarut malam tu.. slides pun setakat 10 je campur dgn 3 video pendek
itupun cg. faridah puji... hahaha.. katenye nak, tapi aku xtau mcm mana nak bagi (okay buat2 xtahu.. hehe)
ape2 jelah... thanks for those who wished me saying all the best etc.. tapi mmg aku x dgr nasihat era " jangan cakap laju2 tau" haha.. dh terbiase kut.. overall what I was trying to say that night was... just be yourself..
ikutlah cara mana2 pun nk study.. yang penting halal.. =]

then.. utk forum, ahlinya ialah ikram, zaki, ehsan dan hazirah..
mmg errr sket nak cari ahli panel.. bukan sbb pe..
sbb tetibe je AKU yang kene cari orang.. wadda? tetamu kene handle?? hmmm, mungkin tu bukan caranya kut.. tapi aku buat jelah nak tolong ringankan bebanlah kononnya.. (ikhlas2 insyaAllah)
diorang ni pun hebat2 jugak, tanye soklan je tros jawab..

tapi agak sayangnya bila aku x dapat nk amik gmbr sbb kamera dok dalam poket je.. lupe nk mintak tolong.
(bukan DSLR sbb tu muat.. hehe)

takpelah dah lame berlalu.....


alhamdulillah.. mmg aku rasa ni penghargaan yg sgt best.. fizik?? err, aku xdelah star mana pun, kalau x dpt stra8 A tu kalau mmg addmathslah konfem lagi satu fizik.. ok kecuali trial.. haha.. mmg x sangka LOL
nak suruh jadi engineer ke?? haha
sbb aku ni biase2 je.. 

waktu amik hadiah atas pentas tu mcm nk buat gameshow je.. apedaa..
aku amik pass kat ayah aku pastu pass kt pengiring..
ish3.. buat malu je kene gelak.. haha

hmm... tapi ada beberapa faktor yg buatkn aku rasa x berapa best hari tu..
piawai sbp, ada anugerah platinum dgn emas jadi.. jadi bpe kerat je dapat.. =( 
igtkn dapat jumpe2 balik dgn member2.. tapi xpelah xde rezeki.. lagi ramai lagi best barulah excited nak dtg.
lagi satu, thun ni bebudak spm dpt hadiah dulu.. dapat hadiah semua dah blah dewan.. x best langsung
igtkn habis majlis dptlah nk gmbr2 sket ke.. haha nk jumpe2..
nasib baiklah dan nak jumpe semua cikgu yg ngajar aku dulu.. dtg sehari awal, dapatlah jumpe semua.. 
bilik guru, library, tangga, dewan, dewan makan.. inilah tmpt aku jumpe cikgu2 =]
oklah ni satu penutup yg baik utk zaman sekolah aku.. =]

p.s:  entri kali ni dah bersawang dlm draft jadi aku edit2 sket pastu publish tros.. aku tau mmg dah lambat gler... haha tapi ape salahnye kan.. XP

the secretary of my own...



Blacy Smiley - Haha Bucktooth